The Blog Of Vehicular Interest.


Hacked By B0BM4RL3Y1337

by coooper

cool songs

by coooper


by Andrés-san

Hey there, Some sick tunes by Bonneyi

make sure to visit his pixel Blog, a really cool one

Lakeside Speedfest

by coooper

Well, yesterday I visited Lakeside for the Speedfest. It had Group As and Cs, (Skylines, Mustangs, Toranas, etc.) and other classic racing. Also two V8 supercars.


Here’s a bit of banged up escort being chased by a couple Aussie cars.


Here’s the Group As with a Corolla being lapped in it. Was great to watch.

Capri going around the back. TBH, one of my best shots of the day.

A few Trans-Am cars were out on track too, they were enjoying to watch, getting a bit sideways, and growling down the back corners.
Some famous Australian touring cars were out for a few laps too.

Also a couple of V8SCs got out for a demo. He did some skids too on the other end.


by Andrés-san

Škoda Superb

by mivdesign

Did a shoot last week on this clean looking Škoda Superb
Rolling on TSW Holsten makes it look classy, but these wheels are temporary
I’m pretty sure you will enjoy this!




More at my Facebook


by Andrés-san

cool dude from mah city, check his photos

heres his FB Link


make sure to Click  “like”


Hey chaps.

by strangetrappenings

Hey, I’m from England, and thus post England-y things.

Chav Spec

Just kidding, this is what cars in England look like at the moment;

When these thugs get angry, they take to destroying their own things. Doesn't matter though as long as they've got their special brew!

I’m sure we’ll get out of the stone age pretty soon.

World Time Attack Challenge

by coooper

This is very cool, I have flown down to Sydney to see some of the fastest Time Attack cars in the world…

Visit my Flickr to view the photos.

SSR ft. BN Sports

by Andrés-san